Saturday, December 8, 2007


Salaam alaikum, peace be upon my lovely readers. I have just moved to a new city straight after end of year assignments and exams, and started by first full time job. It is very busy and I haven't had much time for blogging. Inshallah I'll get onto some more Rayyan centered postings. Today however I'm going to show you a work outfit I built using polyvore an outfit creator. I've tried to do it on Rayyan based outfits but I find that its very difficult to get items that are both the closest to Rayyan's and are in a useful format for polyvore (they need to be just the item straight on with a white background to look good).

Click on the pictures below to get shopping details for the items. I've put hijab links at the bottom as they are what makes our fashion special and also as Star Scarves links that polyvore picks up just link to the picture with no way to access the Star Scarves online shop. As with everything in a hijab outfit, make sure to choose loose clothing items

I hope you all don't mind getting the odd off topic posting but I just find that posting a non-Rayyan outfit that I have worn myself helps me remotivate myself to make Rayyan based postings. Anyway, hear you are, please comment if you would rather I never made off topic postings.

The top hijab is a Star Scarves Brown Floral shayla with a floral print for US$13.99, which matches the dress. A shayla gives a more voluminous look so is more casual than an amira. The lower hijab is a Star Scarves Dark Brown with Embroidery Al-Amira Hija for US$11.99, it closely matches the coat color. An amira is great to throw on if you are in a hurry but its also a more conservative look.

Work out what suits your workplace best, I have personally found that a hijab in any muted color (i.e. not pink with sequins) looks formal with work clothing.


Anonymous said...

I love Polyvore and have been wanting to use it but I couldn't remember the name of the site (lol). Thanks for the reminder and may Allah bless you with everything that you're doing right now.

Kima :)

Anonymous said...


this is great! and good luck for the exam results :)