Thursday, May 14, 2009

Green collar hijabi

Green collar

Here's an approximation of what I'm wearing today, although my shirt is more of a business shirt than this tunic style. I really challenged my style recently and bought three shirts in colours I don't normally wear for work - green, pink and maroon. I'm really enjoying wearing my more colourful hijabs and trying out new colour combos like green-navy-teal. When wearing bright colours to work I feel really comfortable when I wear a formal jacket or light coat on top.


Diana said...

So nice to see you are back sweetie. Love the sandals by the way.

Cathy :-) said...

Hi! I love the contrast between the colourful feminine top and the more office-y business suit. Well done! On another topic, did you love Rayyan's wedding outfit on Little Mosque on the Prairie?